Anamika, whose mother is Indian and father is English, returns to care for her mother who is suffering from dementia. But the mother-daughter relationship is not an easy one. When her mother was younger she was a promising singer, but a series of unexpected situations, including a move to the United Kingdom, an unplanned pregnancy, and raising a daughter alone, have made her em...
- 6.0 人類法則2024
2024 劇情簡介:耿直又聽話的匏仔,專為大哥「處理」各種事情,扛下身為小弟的風險,再向老大拿安家費貼補家計。匏仔的仙姑媽媽總是念他:「早知道細漢就別讓王爺幫你算出兄弟命,現在整天在惹麻煩。」但在他心裡,還藏了一個祕密 ─ 他心心念念上次進去的時候,特別好好「照顧」他的學長咪幾。當咪幾出獄,期待重逢的匏仔卻發現自己被冷落,青春勃發而無處出口的蕩漾春心,變得比什麼黑道歹路、輩分道義,都更難按耐……。 導演朱平挑戰以長片規格,細密地鋪陳在陽剛、壓抑的江湖人際中,伏流的同志情慾。全片鏡頭穩而慢,光線自然而情調滿滿,黃冠智、施名帥兩代本土男星貢獻洗鍊演技,在社會的暗角掩埋七情六慾。比起打打殺殺的生活,「你為什麼在躲我?」是一樁更難嚥下的心靈危機。
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