Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear fore...
2024 海外簡介:Filming has begun on the fourth series of popular Bath-based detective drama McDonald & Dodds, starring Tala Gouveia and BAFTA award-winner Jason Watkins. Comprising three feature length films (3 x120), the guest cast for the first story includes Toby Stephens (Lost In Space), singer/songwriter Pixie Lott (The Voice Kids), Lydia Leonard (Gentleman Jack), Daniel Lapaine (Catast...
- 4.0 流人第四季
- 7.0 一秒變總統第二季
- 6.0 呼吸之間
2024 海外簡介:宙斯一直享有眾神之王的地位。直到一天早上醒來,他發現額頭上有一條皺紋。神經癥開始發作,讓他走上了一條危險、偏執的道路。宙斯確信自己的隕落即將來臨,并開始在各處看到這一跡象。 宙斯曾經可靠的兄弟,冥界之神哈迪斯,正在秘密地放開對黑暗世界的控制。大量死者等待處理,他們變得焦躁不安。天后赫拉(珍妮·麥克蒂爾飾)以她獨特的方式統治著地球以及宙斯。但她的權力和自由受到宙斯日益增長的偏執的威脅,被迫采取行動。宙斯叛逆的兒子狄俄尼索斯(納巴漢·里茲旺飾)則失去了控制,即將與他的父親發生彗星撞地球般的沖突。 在地球上,人們渴望改變,然而大海、風暴、地震(以及戰馬)之神波塞冬(克利夫·柯蒂斯飾)更關心他的超級游艇的大小以及下一場聚會的地點。他對凡人的福祉不感興趣。不幸的是,對于眾神來說,一些凡人已經開始意識到這一點······ 里迪(奧羅拉·佩里諾飾)、俄耳甫斯(基連...
- 1.0 上帝之城:斗爭蔓延